Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

In 1992 sections of theoretical and technical mechanics embraced new department of  applied mechanics. In November 1992, to this sections was incorporated the third one - the department of   thermal and metallurgical mechanics. Y.I. Grdina (1871-1931) was assigned as the head of the Department, and headed it till 1931. In pre-war period were working such noted scientists as: academician A.M. Dinnik, honoured professor V.M. Makovskiy, professors K.E. Rerih, A.S. Lokshin and A.A. Spivakovskiy. In subsequent the Department was headed by: professor E.A. Ivanchenko (1949-1969);  assistant professor V.A.Ivanov (1969-1973); assistant professor V.A. Timoshkin (1973);  professor M.YA. Bilichenko (1973-1988);  professor V.V. Mishin (1988-1998); assistant professor S.M. Kuvaev (1998-2001). In 2001 professor A.A. Serdyuk headed the Department.

The Department of  applied mechanics carried out research and educational & methodical work, which were confirmed for 1988-2001,by  more then 140 scientific articles, 200 author's certificates, 7 protected candidate's and 2 doctoral thesises. The scientific and educational & methodical potential of the Department was realised  in  two departments: "Department of Automobiles and Automobile Economy" (2003 ) and "Department of Transportation Management" (2004).

On October 15th 2004 by order of the rector of the university  №294 from 08.10.2004 in structure of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering was established the Department of Transportation Management, which was headed by the assistant professor, candidate of the technical sciences Taran Igor Aleksandrovich.





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