Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Наумов Віталій Сергійович

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor


March 2016 – present Professor Cracow University of Technology, Transportation Systems Department (24, Warszawska str., Cracow, 31155, POLAND, www.pk.edu.pl)

Responsibilities: lecturing, research projects implementation, students tutoring

December 2015 – May 2016 Head of department Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Mechatronics and IT Department (25, Petrovskogo str., Kharkiv, 61002, UKRAINE, www.khadi.kharkov.ua)

Responsibilities: planning and development of the department activities

January 2014 – March 2016 Professor Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Transport Technologies Department

Responsibilities: lecturing, research projects management, doctoral students tutoring

September 2007 – December 2013 Associate Professor Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Transport Technologies Department

Responsibilities: lecturing, research projects management, master students tutoring

September 2005 – August 2007 Assistant Professor Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Transport Technologies Department

Responsibilities: lecturing, research projects implementation, bachelor students tutoring

September 2004 – August 2005 Assistant Lecturer Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Transport Technologies Department

Responsibilities: lecturing, research projects implementation

September 2003 – August 2004 Lecturer-probationer Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Transport Technologies Department

Responsibilities: lecturing, research projects implementation


The author of more than 120 published scientific papers. The most relevant are:

Naumov V. (2015). Information systems in freight forwarding: Monograph, Kharkov: KhNADU, 168 p. (in Russian)

Naumov V. (2012). Freight forwarding in logistics systems: Monograph, Kharkov: KhNADU, 220 p. (in Russian)

Naumov V. (2010). Bases of increasing the efficiency of forwarding service on road transport: Monograph, Kharkov:

KhNADU, 144 p. (in Russian)

Research projects 

Since 2003 to present: contractor, responsible contractor and director of 11 completed research projects in the field

of transport systems. The most important are:

2015: Development of the information portal for freight transportation market (project director)

2014: Improving the efficiency of urban passenger systems from the perspective of sustainable development (responsible contractor)

2012: Development of the information system for managing the freight forwarding processes (project director)

2009: Creating a logistics center for the road-building equipment delivery in Donietsk (project director)

2007: Choosing an optimal behavior strategy in a competitive environment for LLC Intersolli Plus (project director)

2003: Developing and providing the piggyback system between Ukraine and Western Europe through the territory of Poland (contractor)

Honours and awards 

2015: Georgy Proskura's Scholarship for the Gifted Young Scientists

2014: The DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) Scholar in Duisburg-Essen University (the

project “Increasing the quality of servicing the stochastic flow of requests on cargo deliveries” was granted)

2013: The Ukrainian Government Scholarship for the most talented young scientists

2012, 2015: Award of “Higher Education of Kharkov region: the best names” regional competition as “The best

young scientist”

2011: National Award of President of Ukraine in the field of science and technology (the scientific work

“Development of cargo delivery source-saving technologies based on logistics principles” was awarded)

2010: grantee of the Lane Kirkland Scholarship Program of the Polish-American Freedom Foundation and

Polish – U.S. Fulbright Commission (the project “Increasing efficiency of the logistics system of cargo delivery in

the direction Ukraine – Poland” was granted)

ORCID: 0000-0001-9981-4108

SCOPUS AUTHOR ID: 55523025600


e-mail: vnaumov@pk.edu.pl




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